
Kenya is one of the leading countries in Africa with the majority of its citizen on Social Media, therefore it only makes sense for your company to start utilizing social media and replace traditional marketing with social media marketing in Kenya.

Best networks for Social Media Marketing in Kenya:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. Linkedin
  5. Snapchat

In this post, we will focus our attention on Facebook marketing in Kenya since it is the leading social media platform where we have many Kenyans.

Facebook Marketing in Kenya

Facebook is a complete network when it comes to business pages. When you create your account or business page, seek to know what are the tools that it offers you, the possibility to place information about your company and website, address and hours of operation. Also, you will know how many people visit your page, where they are and what content they liked.

Facebook is a competitive environment, and probably you will find dozens of competitors with well-designed pages. In this way, you need to think about what you can do to make your can stand out, is the way you put, the products features or any other characteristic that can differentiate you from the others.

Have a well-defined strategy

Instead of posting anything, you must have a well-defined strategy. In it, you should lay down your goals that you want to achieve with the page, select which public you are targeting, what are your investments, put together a schedule of publications and put all the information that will help you in spreading your business.

Before creating a Facebook page, ask yourself:

  1. Why? Why your business needs Facebook? What are the goals of your business with him?
  2. What? What will be done on Facebook? Post content, respond to people,
  3. What? What will be done on Facebook? Post content, respond to people, attract fans? What are your basic strategies?
  4. When? When will these strategies be carried out? Daily, weekly?
  5. Who? Who is or will be responsible for taking care of your page? What do you expect these people to do?
  6. How much? How much will it cost? Will the people managing the page have a salary? If you, as you are willing to invest in the management of your page ad?

Always have interesting content

With the amount of material available on Facebook, to ensure that you catch the attention of your followers you must have a content that adds value to whatever they already have. Use relevant information, talk about your products or services and be very objective in the texts. Also remember to use a language that is compatible with your audience, otherwise, if  they can not identify with what you posted they will no longer follow the page.

You are an expert in your business and therefore the customer needs you to make decisions. Think of the biggest questions and concerns that a customer may have which push them away from you. Then find a way of addressing them. Do you not know what to post? Ask your viewers what they would like to know or search pages in its segment about the most common questions people ask about your product or market.

Post often

It is important that you keep a set frequency of posts. Avoid publications with a very wide range, because the impression it gives is that your page is “start up” or you do not have much interest in publicizing your work. If possible, post every day. If not, post at least 3 times a week.

Another tip is to use the feature to schedule posts. With it, you can schedule posts to be served at the times you see fit. With this, your page will always be updated.

Interact with the public

Do not leave your audience in a vacuum. It is important that you respond to all comments and messages you receive, thus creating a closer interaction with the people who like your page. Thus, these followers will seek to interact more often and recommend your page, since it is helpful to their audience.

One tip is to enjoy all the comments you receive on your page. Another important point is also to answer the negative comments.  If you see a criticism, ensure that you follow it up by email or phone.

Use good images

Human beings are attracted by what they see, and rightly so it is important that your page has quality images. They will cause the first impact on your follower and will serve as an invitation for them to read the material you provided.

Create Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allow you to reach people who are of interest to your business. When creating ads, you will highlight the content that will be directly taken to the public that does not know about your work and may be interested in it at some point.

Today it is very difficult to generate significant results without investing in ads. More than 40 million businesses use the Facebook page to attract customers. Thus, investing in ads is important. Still, it’s very cheap to invest in campaigns on Facebook.

Integrate your page with other networks

In addition to having a Facebook page, it is interesting that you have accounts on other on social networks like Twitter and Instagram, as this are other dissemination channels for your business, giving you the opportunity to reach more people. With this, you will attract even more people to your Facebook page.

But remember that each channel has a way to communicate with people. Avoid a repeat what put on Facebook  for Instagram, for example. Also, create exclusive content for each audience and each channel.

Make monthly reports

Facebook gives you all the information you need about your audience, such as age, location, interests, etc.Enjoy this data to create performance reports that show which posts were liked best, which yielded a low performance, who’s been visiting your page. Thus, you will improve your strategy and attract a more qualified audience.

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